
Here below, the papers that have been published so far (pre-prints available on my ResearchGate profile). I have published in leading journals in social demography, statistics and health.

If you are interested in my current research please go to the Research Page.

Research articles (peer-reviewed)

Methodological Development

Family Demography and the Life Course

  • Bolano, D. and Bernardi L. (2024). Transition to grandparenthood and early retirement in midlife. Journal of Family Studies
  • Balbo, N and Bolano D. (2023) Child disability as a family issue: a study on mothers’ and fathers’ health in Italy. European Journal of Public Health
  • Balbo, N, Bolano, D. Egidi V, Moretti M, Solipaca A (2023). La disabilità come sfida per le famiglie. In: (Eds): Tomassini C; Vignoli D, Rapporto sulla popolazione. Le famiglie in Italia. Forme, ostacoli, sfide. UNIVERSALE PAPERBACKS IL MULINO, Bologna:Mulino, ISBN: 9788891932310, ISSN: 1724-3734
  • Bernardi, L. and Bolano D. (2023). A Multidimensional Perspective on Vulnerability and the Life Course. In D Spini, E. Widmer (Eds.), Withstanding Vulnerability throughout Adult Life. Dynamics of Stressors, Resources, and Reserves. Palgrave.
  • Bolano, D. and Vignoli D., (2021). Union Formation under Conditions of Uncertainty: The Objective and Subjective Sides of Employment Uncertainty. Demographic Research, 45(5)
  • Testa, M.R., and Bolano, D. (2021). When partners’ disagreement prevents childbearing: A couple-level study in Australia. Demographic Research 44(33)
  • Bolano, D. and Arpino B. (2020). Life After Death. Widowhood and Volunteering Gendered Pathways Among Older Adults. Demographic Research
  • Bolano, D. and Vignoli D., (2020). First Union Formation in Australia: Actual Constraints or Perceived Uncertainty?. DISIA Working Paper 2020/07
  • Testa, M.R. and Bolano D. (2019). Intentions and Childbearing in a Cross-Domain Life Course Approach: The Case of Australia. Vienna Institute of Demography VID – Working Papers
  • Testa, M.R. and Bolano D. (2018).  From intentions to births: Gendered paths of realization in a multi-dimensional life course perspective. In Kapella O., Schneider N., & Rost H. (Eds.), Familie – Bildung – Migration: Familienforschung im Spannungsfeld zwischen Wissenschaft, Politik und Praxis. Tagungsband zum 5. Europäischen Fachkongress Familienforschung (pp. 105-124). Opladen; Berlin; Toronto: Verlag Barbara Budrich. doi:10.2307/j.ctvddzpz0.11

Health and Wellbeing

  • Comolli C., Bolano D., Bernardi, L and Voorpostel M. (2024). Concentration of Critical Events over the Life Course and Life Satisfaction Later in Life. Advances in Life Course Research
  • Ehsan, A., Bolano D. et al. (2020). Preventing loneliness in older migrants and locals: Lessons from a Swiss case study. European Journal of Ageing
  • Vacchiano, M. and Bolano D. (2020). Online and offline leisure, relatedness and psychological distress: a study of young people in Switzerland. Leisure Studies RLST
  • Lam J., Bolano D. (2018) Productive activities and subjective wellbeing among older adults: A couple-level analysis. Social Science & Medicine 
  • Bolano, D., Berchtold, A. and Burge E. (2018). The heterogeneity of disability trajectories in later life: Dynamics of Activities of Daily Living performance among nursing home residents. Journal of Aging and Health

Demographic changes

Doctoral dissertation

  • Markovian modelling of life course data. 2015. University of Geneva.

Although conventional Markov chains have been applied in many research areas, extensions such as the modelling of higher temporal dependencies, non-homogeneous processes, latent-based Markov models remain rarely used in demographic and life course research. The dissertation underlines the several features that make such models an interesting approach for analyzing and modelling life trajectories.

Master Thesis

  • Social Norms and Life Course: an Analysis of the European Social Survey. 2013 Master Thesis at Bocconi University

A multilevel analysis of social norms in Europe. The paper underlines the differences among European countries on the relevance of social norms (e.g., ideal ages at first birth, ideal sequence of life events) in contemporary societies.

Work in Progress

For the research papers currently in progress see Research page.

Other publications

For other publications prior 2013 as edited research volume, chapters in research books, and research reports please refer to the Publication section of my CV.