
I am a demographer and social statistician. My main research interest is in life course research and in applying and developing advanced statistical tools to improve understanding of individual behaviours and attitudes. I am interested in identifying and studying the impact of events and circumstances on life trajectories and decision making process.

My work appears in leading journals in demography, health and ageing and applied statistics.

I am an Associate Professor in Social Statistics and Demography at University of Florence (IT)Department of Statistics DISIA and I am currently Principal Investigator on project FAST Population Change Flows, AttractivenesS and Territories’ resilience; a project on internal migration and resilience of the European territories. This 24-month long project is founded by Fondazione Cariplo.

I am as well co-Principal investigator of a project on child disability and its effects on family members. The project aims at investigating in particular barriers to access to services.

As of April 2021, I have been Research Fellow and Lecturer in Social Demography at Bocconi University Carlo F. Dondena Centre for Research on Social Dynamics. Previously, I was senior researcher at Swiss National Center of Competence in Research LIVES (Switzerland), adjunct professor at University of Lausanne (CH) and Lecturer at University of Neuchâtel (CH). I am affiliated at the University of Queensland – ARC Center of Excellence for Children and Families Over the Life Course  – the Life Course Center in Australia as LCC Fellow as well where I was Research Fellow in Social Statistics.

I am currently Associated Editor at European Journal of Population and the Longitudinal and Life Course Studies journal in the Methodology and Statistics Section. I served as Assistant Editor for the Editor in Chief at Advances in Life Course Research Journal. I am also serve as member of the Executive Committee of the Sequence Analysis Association.

I hold a PhD in Social Science – Demography awarded at the University of Geneva (Switzerland). My PhD dissertation was around Markov-based models and their application for life course studies.

I hold a BA and MSc in Economics and Social Science at Bocconi University (IT) with a master thesis on a comparative analysis of social norms in Europe.

I worked as quantitative researcher and consultant in Italy supporting the activities of public authorities and third sector in planning and evaluating social policies and services and in carrying out social surveys.


  • Statistics for Social Sciences and Health Research
  • Longitudinal Data Analysis
  • Social and Family Demography
  • Life Course Studies
  • Decision-Making Process
  • Health and Ageing
  • Hidden Markov Models and Sequence Analysis

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