
My main research interest is around life course transitions identifying and studying the impact of events and circumstances on life trajectories. I am particularly interested in family demography and studies around social-determinants of health. Moreover, I am interested in applying and developing advanced statistical tools to better understanding individual behavior and attitudes.

The papers that have been published are available here. I have published on different topics ranging from statistical approaches for longitudinal and life course data (here and here), mutual effects across related individuals (here), critical life events (here), physical and mental health in the life course (here and here).

I am currently involved in several research projects. Here below a snapshot of my current research. If interested in any of these papers, do not hesitate to drop me a line!

Child Disability and its impact on family lives

(with Nicoletta Balbo – Bocconi University)

Parents and Children. Linked Lives in the Transition to (Grand)Parenthood and Retirement
(with Laura Bernardi – University of Lausanne)

Two key aspects of the life course approach are the concept of linked lives and the idea that life domains are strictly interconnected. In this study we look at the temporal link between retirement time of the parent (G1) and the transition to parenthood (i.e., having first child) of the offspring (G2).

Job insecurity and Fertility
(with Daniele Vignoli – University of Florence, Italy)

Job insecurity, both perceived and objective, might influence the decision-making process. Using micro level longitudinal data, we investigate how job insecurity affects fertility using couple level data.

Fertility decisions and the stability of family lives over the life course

(with Sergi Vidal – University of Barcelona)

We investigate how stability in family life is linked to childbearing decisions.

Missing themes and New Research Streams in Life Course Research. A Research Note.
(with Laura Bernardi – University of Lausanne)

In this research note, we aim to stimulate the discussion around themes that have not been fully explored in life course research. We underline not only the relevance from an academic perspective but also for policy recommendations.

Multiple life events and wellbeing

(with Chiara Comolli et al.)

Usually in life course research, the focus in on the effect of a single event (e.g. getting married, having a child) on pathways of wellbeing. In this work we investigate whatever having experienced multiple events in a relatively short time period (“concentrated events”) differs in magnitude than considering the effect of each single event in an additive fashion.

Childless Propensity and Work Environment

(with Valeria Insaurato)

In this work we look at the relationship between childlessness agreement and vertical and horizontal gender segregation on the workplace.

— Other Work in Progress —

Micro and macro level inequality and BMI trajectories in later life
(with Stéphane Cullati et al. – NCCR LIVES, Switzerland)

Using retrospective data from SHARE (Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe study), we aim to study inequality in BMI trajectories in later life from a micro and macro level perspective.

State dependence in employment trajectories in Australia. Scarring effect of unemployment and transition out of labor force.
(with Michele Haynes – ACU, Australia)

The paper investigates the factors associated with risk of unemployment, and the scarring effects of unemployment for men and women in Australia (using the Household, Income Labour Dynamics in Australia panel data from 2001 to 2014). The paper investigates also if unemployment scarring varies systematically across group in order to profile individual at greater risk of unstable employment histories and repeated incidence of unemployment.

Parental Perception and Academic Performance of Children using Data from an Australian longitudinal cohort study
(with Melanie Spallek et al.)

The paper investigates on how parents perceive offspring academic performance. Using administrative data on academic performance, the paper sheds light on the factors associated with a mismatch between objectively measured performance and subjective perception.